skif_admin's albums

Tournament Result

2023 December 16 & 17

2023 November 5, National Youth Karate U Series (Finals)

2023 May 24-28 Marakami Shuseki Shihan in Hong Kong

2022 Hong Kong Youth Game


Kata Competition results:

Kylie Tang - Bronze medal in girls age 12-13
Perrfy Fung - 6th place in boys age 8-9

2022 Aug 21 Grading

Hong Kong Junior Belt Games 2022

啡帶組男子形 冠軍 - Ashley Hemraj
啡帶組男子形 亞軍 - 馬浩輝
啡帶組男子形 分組第五 - 陳志勇
啡帶組男子組手+75kg - Ashley Hemraj

SKIF HK members achieved excellent results in the “Hong Kong Junior Belt Games 2022” held on July 24, the results as following:
Male Kata Brown Belt - Gold Medal - Ashley Hemraj
Male Kata Brown Belt - Silver Medal - Stanley Ma
Male Kata Brown Belt - 5th place - Andrew Chan
Male Kumite +75kg Brown Belt - Bronze Medal - Ashley Hemraj


2022 July 1 - SKIF HK tournament achievement

2022 July 1 - 香港國際松濤館學員於鷹志會鵬程萬里空手道公開賽2022獲得優異成績,4金2銀1銅,成績如下:
隊際型 金牌 - 蔡秉殷/馬浩輝/Ashley Hemraj
成年A組男子型 金牌- 蔡秉殷
成年B組男子型 金牌 - Ashley Hemraj
先進組男子型 金牌 - 馬浩輝
先進組男子型 银牌 - 陳志勇
女童11-14歲型 银牌 - 鄧薏晴
成年男子組手 铜牌 - Ashley Hemraj

2022 July 1 - SKIF HK student members achieved excellent results in the “Ohshikai Karate Open 2022” with 4 golds, 2 silvers and 1 bronze. The results are as follows:
Team Kata gold medal - Martin/Stanley/Ashley Hamraj
Senior Male Kata gold medal Group A - Martin Choi
Senior Male Kata gold medal Group B - Ashley Hamraj
Master Male Kata gold medal - Stanley Ma